7 Keys To A Successful Virtual Internship

With the hit of the COVID-19 wave, people thought ‘Work is dead and buried’ Fortunately the companies found the way out. No global pandemic could stop the companies to start with a chance of virtual internships. Growing technologies made it easy for companies to open gates for virtual offices. In 2020 remote working came in a bigger picture. Imagine working sitting at home! The concept of virtual internships provides opportunities to potential students across the globe. Around 89% of students opted for a virtual internship in 2020. A large part of employers is still evaluating how to conduct and bring changes with internship programs.

Virtual internships

At times in traditional office space, the setup needs a shuttle report to the coordinator, depending on their schedule. Whereas in Virtual offices interns are more independent and flexible. Virtual internships require strong time management skills. In the case of the virtual internship, the interns monitor their own time. The mentor takes updates on completing tasks at the end of the day, daily. Internships in a virtual office do not necessarily follow a rigid work schedule.

There are several ways to create a successful virtual internship. Work can happen without relocating the address. You can target your dream company even if it isn’t local.

Here, are 7 keys to successful virtual internships.

1. Design Virtual Internships Induction:  

Do you remember your first day in college? New place and New people around! However, we all get along, with the process called Orientation. Induction can also be referred as to the introductory meeting.  After the long recruitment process, the intern is welcomed on board. The virtual induction is where the intern is introduced to other team members. Induction is the best way to welcome and motivate new interns. The candidate is connected in a video meeting using Zoom/Teams/Meet etc. The process of introducing a new member makes them feel a part of the place which of course enables in boosting new interns confidence. In addition to that, it helps in active contribution.  To conduct a successful online internship, induction programs are the approach most organizations opt for.


Virtual internships

2.  Design Virtual Webinars: 

The workplace dynamics have changed. A remote internship is time-efficient. The webinar is a creative way to engage interns in-work training. It’s an effective way of delivering knowledge to the new intern. The online webinar is a time-effective process. When we talk about online webinars we don’t spend money on bookings and travel costs. In fact, these online webinars can be saved for later view. There is no proxy system in online webinars. It’s convenient to watch the webinar anywhere.

Virtual internships

3. Incorporate Real-World Activities:

An internship is all about developing skills and experience. The corporate world requires experience. If you have already worked in a department you gain knowledge. working on an online platform is no real. The coordinator you create real-time tasks. Real-time activities have deadlines and targets to be completed. Similarly, an intern should be contributing in the same way as in real-time. the coordinator should assign tasks for each day. Deadlines create a nature to work smart and fast. These real-world activities will enhance the skills of an intern and they will acknowledge the best out of their work. remote working can be flexible hours but the target should be managed by the intern.

Virtual internships

4. Mentor your interns: 

An intern joins the internship program to learn skills. consequently, it helps them to enhance their career. A mentor should help the intern in building qualities. Moreover, an assigned mentor should know about the goals of an intern. An intern seeks business experience from a mentor.  To develop a good relationship give them a quick orientation about the company and program. Inform them about their responsibilities and what are your expectations from them. And to encourage you, the intern asks about giving new ideas. Incorporate their ideas and likewise give them the special project. Healthy mentoring can turn an intern to become a masterpiece.

internship mentor

5. Provide Various Incentives: 

It goes the same as the offline internship. The interns before looking for an internship look for the benefits they gain. An internship provides them with experience furthermore it magnifies their CV. There are several ways an intern can build up their CV. Tap to read more about how to improve your CV. Besides improving one’s CV, it’s about the recommendation letter. If an intern has performed outstandingly. They should be provided with a letter stating a job recommendation. Incentives can include compensation. Paying an intern with a mileage stipend or a potential bonus.

Virtual internships

6. Flexible Work Hours: 

It’s a huge benefit about a virtual internship in that it provides flexible work hours. With a virtual internship program, an employer needs not hesitate in offering a flexible work schedule. Flexible hours provide freedom to work that can turn up profitable for the company. It can help in seeking top talent. In addition, a virtual internship with flexible work hours can actually increase employee productivity.  Unlike traditional internships, here interns from anywhere in the world can work. The time difference is no more a barrier.

7. Provide Ongoing Feedback

Feed them back! Feedback is given to an intern on an ongoing internship always turns out to be effective. Feedback helps an individual to acknowledge what they did well and what they could do better. When an intern is working help them in analyzing their mistakes and qualities. It is the same process as life. How we learn from our own mistakes!  when we make mistakes we tend to overcome and get better at them. In a virtual internship, the assigned mentor should provide the intern with is what is good and what isn’t. Bringing in change will help them in real life. Feedback can be a key tool to improve.  Ongoing feedback can improve both individual and team performance.


Traditional internships are no longer a viable option in these pandemic situations. Most of the students are becoming a little more used to virtual internships.  As a result, remotely working through virtual internships is growing in popularity. Tap here! For virtual internship programs.  

Want a successful virtual internship, hurry up start incorporating these 7 keys! 

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